Hello, Round 2 Folks!
Since we have 6 new members, I thought it'd be a great idea to share some wisdom with everyone about things we've learned during round 1 that might make round 2 run more smoothly. I'd LOVE it if we had some discussion/feedback/dialogue about this, so PLEASE comment on this thread and put in your two cents worth!
Here are some thoughts I've had after completing last year's bee and being involved in a vintage sheet bee online:
Do your best work. By this, I mean, be extra careful when you're making a block for someone else. Trim extra threads. Press seams carefully. Use good construction techniques. Don't get sloppy because you're in a hurry. You're in this group because we admire your work and because we have confidence in you!
Be on Time. Yes, life often gets in the way, I know. We've been pretty good as a whole in the past about getting blocks done in a timely fashion. If you know you're not going to be at the meeting to turn in your blocks, let us know. Maybe we can meet up to drop your block off with someone who is going to guild. If not, mail it to the recipient. If you get a block in the mail, be sure to touch base with the person who sent it to let them know it arrived.
Communicate. Be clear in your directions and expectations when it's your month. Write up a tutorial with lots of pictures if you'd like. If you want to use a pattern, provide everyone with a copy or a link on the blog. Post pictures on the blog when you finish a block! Comment when other people do! Use our Flickr group! Befriend each other on Facebook! The more we interact, the more fun this will be for us all!
Test Out Your Block Before Asking Us to Make It. I cannot stress this enough. In another bee I'm in, this was an issue. Make sure you've worked out what potential problems might occur and give us a heads-up about them.
Nikki Can Help. I'm our fearless leader and I want you to tell me if any issues arise. I'd be happy to help handle potentially uncomfortable situations. If life happens and someone has to quit the bee, let me know and we will work something out. In my other bee, one person's husband died. Another was put on bedrest during the last half of her pregnancy. Someone else had some chronic health issues. Life happens. Talk to me about it if you have concerns of any kind. Ok? Ok.
Have FUN and don't stress! Let's remember that this is going to be a great opportunity for us to get to know new people, to step out of our comfort zone from time to time and learn new skills. Be brave, ask questions and if you need help, by all means, ASK!
Be Generous When You Can. If someone asks for a flying geese block and you LOVE flying geese blocks, you might want to make two blocks for them instead of just one. Especially if you have some extra time on your hands. I often find that it's not much more trouble to cut and sew two blocks than one. Maybe you have some scraps that will fit in the color scheme of someone's quilt that you're willing to share.
If you are generous with someone, they will remember it and will often return your efforts when your month rolls around.
What are your reflections and ideas? What are your questions??? Talk to me, people! And talk amongst yourselves!