Monday, September 20, 2010
Wonky Star for Paula
The bluebirds of happiness are sure cute! What a fun quilt you are going to have.
Happy quilting,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Paula's Bluebird of Happiness: Block 2
Paula's Bluebird of Happiness: Block 1
I had some fun with these little bluebirds tonight. So much fun that I made 3 blocks!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Mug Rug for Paula
I've not made any wonky stars before, so tonight I got out Liberated Quiltmaking II by Gwen Marston and gave myself a crash course.
This is a 6 inch block. Paula's requesting 12 inch (finished) blocks, but since she gave us a whole fat quarter of her bluebird fabric, I thought I'd practice a bit before diving in seriously.
I had to re-do two of the four units with triangles in them. I think this is something that will get easier as I do more of them and it's a fun block to make, that's for sure.
I enjoyed using some of my solids and was lucky enough to be able to match up the colors of the light blue and green fabric pretty well. The orange border is a batik that brings out the detail in the leaves and the birds' beaks. The binding is some stuff I recently used for my Urban Swap table runner. It's a few years old. I think it's Free Spirit, but am not sure of the line.
Instead of giving Paula an extra block that's 6 inches big, I decided she might want a mug rug to go with her quilt, so I whipped this together pretty quickly tonight. Paula's in the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap with me on Flickr. If you haven't heard of it, you should check it out!
Enjoy, Paula!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
For Toni, by Jessica

I used this tutorial to make these. I eyeballed them though, because I thought it would make them a little more "scrappy" looking. I like the second block better. I think it has more personality: it's fatter, has a striped body, and a brighter wing color. :)
I found this black fabric in my stash and thought it looked pretty organic and vine-ey. I had just enough to finish two blocks. I used my color wheel to pick out a complimentary color to use as the body for the butterflies.
I left the blocks kind of a weird size because Toni didn't specify a final size. I trimmed them to the biggest rectangle I could and figured Toni could slice them as necessary to fit them into the quilt.
Hope you like them! I had fun making them for you. :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hannah's Block for Toni
Monday, September 6, 2010
I now have all my blocks for my month - when I am not super busy with school I will put them all together. They are so amazing - such an amazing gift from a fun group of ladies!